Domestic employees
We help you
Calculation of social security cost
We calculate and manage the social security payments corresponding to the household employee, ensuring compliance with the established contributions.
Add quote account code
We register the holder in the corresponding contribution account code, complying with the necessary legal formalities.
Worker registration
We take care of registering the worker with the Social Security, ensuring that all the necessary requirements are met.
Preparation of the employment contract: We draw up the employment contract necessary to formalize the employment relationship between the owner and the domestic employee, ensuring that all the relevant legal clauses and conditions are included.
Medical leave management
If the domestic worker requires a medical leave, we take care of managing this process, ensuring that all procedures are complied with and the corresponding payments are made.
Absence and leave information
We will keep you informed about the absences and work leaves to which the domestic worker is entitled, making sure that the established legal provisions are complied with.
We manage the household employee’s vacations, calculating the corresponding days and guaranteeing that the right to paid rest is complied with.
Payroll preparation
We prepare the household worker’s pay slips, ensuring that all salary concepts are reflected and the corresponding payments are made.
Management of terminations, dismissals and settlements
En caso de que sea necesario, nos encargamos de gestionar las bajas, despidos y finiquitos del empleado de hogar, asegurando que se cumplan con todos los requisitos legales y laborales establecidos.