Si buscas estar tranquilo con tus impuestos y tener las cuentas de tu negocio claras, has de saber que todo empieza con una contabilidad responsable que refleje la realidad de tu actividad.
More informationMándanos tus facturas emitidas y recibidas. Puedes traerlas personalmente sin cita previa a nuestra oficina o enviárnoslas por cualquier medio electrónico.
Después de contabilizarlas, te diremos si hemos detectado algún problema y te daremos las indicaciones para solucionarlo.
If you are self-employed, you will probably have to file quarterly taxes and informative declarations derived from your activity with the Tax Agency. In addition, once a year you will have to present annual summaries of some of them, informative declarations and, of course, the income tax return.
More informationIn practice you will only have to worry about giving us the invoices and bank documents as we will take care of everything else, but we list the most common self-assessments and informative declarations.
If you are a microenterprise, most probably you will have to file quarterly with the Tax Agency the taxes and informative declarations that derive from your activity and once a year you will have to file the annual summaries and informative declarations.
More informationIn practice you will only have to worry about giving us the invoices and bank documents as we will take care of everything else, but we list the most common self-assessments and informative declarations.