We help you
If you are considering becoming self-employed, at Gefisco we can help you with all the necessary procedures so that you can start your activity properly and without complications. Our services include the management of the Social Security registration, a fundamental step to formalize your self-employed status. We will take care of all the necessary procedures so that you are correctly registered and can start your activity in a legal way. In addition, we will assist you in obtaining the digital certificate, an important resource to carry out online procedures and formalities in a safe and efficient way. In relation to self-employed payments, we will take care of the precise calculation to determine the amount you must pay in contributions. Our goal is to ensure that you meet your tax obligations properly. However, we are also committed to providing you with detailed information about the bonuses that you may be eligible for as a self-employed person. These bonuses can represent a significant benefit for you, helping you to optimize your economic resources. We understand the importance of optimizing your resources and ensuring that compliance with your tax obligations is as simple and beneficial as possible. Therefore, our team will be at your disposal to advise you on the different tax relief options available depending on your employment situation. We will provide you with updated and clear information, so that you can make the most of the opportunities offered by the current regulations. Once you are working as a freelancer, you can rely on us to manage various aspects related to your employment situation. We will take care of keeping your tax and labor obligations up to date, such as filing tax returns, calculating taxes and managing social security. This will allow you to focus on the development of your business, knowing that you have a professional team that takes care of the administrative and legal aspects. In short, in our commitment to provide you with a comprehensive service, we will take care of the calculation of your payments as a freelancer and we will inform you about the bonuses you can access. Our goal is to help you optimize your financial resources and facilitate the fulfillment of your tax obligations. In addition, we will provide you with support in the management of different aspects related to your work situation, allowing you to focus on the growth and success of your business.Al contar con un sistema de contabilidad preciso, podrás tener una visión clara y detallada de tus ingresos y gastos. Esto te permitirá realizar un seguimiento riguroso de tus transacciones financieras, identificar patrones de gasto, analizar la rentabilidad de tu negocio y tomar decisiones informadas para optimizar tus recursos.
Además, la contabilización de tus facturas te brinda la oportunidad de mantener un registro organizado y actualizado de tus transacciones comerciales. Tendrás un archivo completo de todas tus facturas, lo que facilitará la gestión y el análisis de la información financiera en cualquier momento que lo necesites.
Services for freelancers
Recalculation of self-employed contributions
As the year progresses, your net income may change. We will make the necessary adjustments to your contributions based on your net income, so that you are always paying the right amount and avoid unpleasant surprises.
Alta y baja de trabajadores
A medida que avanza el año, es posible que tus ingresos netos varíen. Nosotros nos encargaremos de realizar los ajustes necesarios en tus cotizaciones en función del rendimiento neto obtenido, para que siempre estés pagando la cantidad justa y evites sorpresas desagradables.
Medical leaves
In case you find yourself in a situation of temporary incapacity due to an illness or accident, we will support you in the management of medical leaves and the corresponding procedures with the Social Security.
Termination of the self-employed
If at any time you decide to end your self-employed activity, we will guide you through the corresponding termination procedures, making sure that everything is done in accordance with current regulations.
Retirement management
When the time comes for you to retire, we will provide you with advice and management in relation to the procedures for accessing your retirement pension. We will accompany you throughout the process to ensure that you receive the benefits to which you are entitled.